Dear homeowner,
Thank you for taking the time to review these important updates and announcements. We hope it helps you get more out of your HOA experience. Please contact us if you have any questions or comments.
Community Dynamics Management Team
Herriman Towne Center Homeowners Association
Public Website:
Homeowner Portal:
HOA Direct Line: 801.316.3214, Text Management: 801.923.2340
Portal & Website: We highly encourage you to periodically visit the HOAs public facing website as well as the homeowner portal which contain links to important HOA documents and resources such as the CC&Rs, Bylaws, Rules & Regulations, Design Guidelines and other important information. In the homeowner portal you can also customize your profile and mailing preferences.
Rules & Regulations: In the last newsletter we talked about two rules that were proposed in the annual meeting that the Board wanted to put out to the homeowners to give feedback. The two rules were posted to the homeowner portal along with a link to an online survey for homeowners to provide feedback about the proposals. After reviewing the results from the homeowner feedback survey and after much consideration, the Board has made the following decisions:
Undue and Excessive Animal Noise: The Board finds that the results of the survey for this proposal was mostly positive and in support of the proposal with only a few suggestions to change some of the wording in the proposal, but not to dismiss the proposed rule altogether. The Board has decided to implement this rule as proposed. The rule will go into effect within 30 days of this announcement and will be posted to the HOAs website with the other Rules and Regulations.
Storage and Placement of Outdoor Recreation Equipment: The Board finds the results of the survey for this proposal was very mixed with a majority not supporting the rule as it was proposed. After reviewing the results and after much consideration, the Board has decided not to implement this proposed rule. Regarding the specific question of if portable basketball hoops stored on the street is considered unsightly, the Board finds that while there may be some elements of unsightliness associated with basketball hoops on the street, as long as basketball hoops are being used and maintained appropriately, not impending vehicular and pedestrian traffic and parking, and as long as hoops are well maintained and not in a state of disrepair, they will not be considered unsightly.
Design Review: As a reminder to all homeowners, any modifications to the exterior of the home must comply with the HOA’s design guidelines and design review committee decisions. Homeowners are required to get HOA approval before making any modifications such as the installation of fencing, landscaping, landscape structures, signs, flags, exterior lighting, exterior painting, solar panels, decks, grade changes, retaining walls, driveways, etc. To submit a design review request please find our online design review request form linked to the HOA’s website or contact management.
Compliance and Enforcement: The HOA is responsible for upholding the standards found in the CC&Rs. The HOA does this by following its Enforcement and Remedies for Non-Compliance policy. Every so often the HOA performs drive through inspections of the neighborhoods flagging obvious violations visible from the street. Mostly the HOA looks out for homes that do not comply with the HOAs design and maintenance standards. We highly encourage homeowners to prepare for these drive through inspections by reviewing the Rules and Regulations of the HOA and maintaining the yard and structures on the property in a good and attractive condition at all times. A drive through inspection is scheduled to be performed in the next 10 days.
Spring Landscape Maintenance Tips: As the leaves begin to sprout and the grass begins to turn green, we always like to remind homeowners and neighborhood associations of the following key landscape maintenance tips.
Aeration – It’s a good idea to start the season off with aerating your lawn. There are two types; core aeration and liquid aeration. Both are effective and inexpensive. Aeration breaks up the soil allowing air, water, and other nutrients to penetrate the soil, improving its overall condition.
Fertilization – Starting the season off with a dose of spring fertilizer high in nitrogen will make your grass stronger and greener throughout the season. Consider adding additional nutrients to the soil with your fertilizer to help roots grow deeper and stronger. Fertilizers can be applied three or four times per year in grass and planter beds to help keep grass and plants healthy year-round.
Weed Control – Kill those pesky weeds before they spread by applying herbicide treatment or pulling weeds from the grass and planter beds. A little bit of work in the spring can drastically reduce the amount of weeds that inevitably break out in the middle of summer. Weed treatments can be applied multiple times per year to keep weeds under control.
Watering – Make sure your sprinklers provide good coverage and avoid watering during the day or when it is windy or rainy. If your yard has a lot of slope to it or you have compacted or clay soil, try splitting your run times into 3 shorter cycles as opposed to one longer cycle. With drought conditions limiting how much you can water, you may also consider a soil treatment such as Revive that is designed to improve soil conditions in times of drought. If you are concerned about water consumption, consider converting some of the grass areas in your yard to xeriscaping. Check out the HOAs xeriscaping guidelines on the HOA’s website for more information.
Maintenance – Mow and trim the grass weekly if you can and edge the grass once per month. Keep the grass longer in areas that are exposed to a lot of sun light or slopes. Keep a sharp blade on your mower for the best results. Also, don’t forget to prune and trim your trees, shrubs, and other plants to keep the yard looking sharp.